A new Linear Time Bi-level $\ell_{1,\infty}$ projection ; Application to the sparsification of auto-encoders neural networks
Michel Barlaud, Guillaume Perez and Jean-Paul Marmorat
arXiv [cs.LG]July 2024
Near-Linear Time Projection onto the L1, Infty Ball Application to Sparse Autoencoders.
Guillaume Perez, Laurent Condat and Michel Barlaud
IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence Washington, USA 2024
arXiv: 2307.09836 July 2023
Predicting human age from LCMS data using a fully connected neural network (FCNN) and feature selection with a sparse bilevel ℓ1,∞. projection.
Nolwenn Peyratout ,Johan Lassen , Sonia Dagnino, Jorgen Hasserstrom, Palle Villensen and Michel Barlaud
Detecting subtle transcriptomic perturbations induced by lncRNAs Knock-Down in single-cell CRISPRi screening using a new sparse supervised autoencoder neural network
Marin Truchi, Michel Barlaud, Bernard Mari et al
Journal Frontiers in Bioinformatics February 2024
Learning Sparse Auto-encoders for Green AI Image Coding.
Cyprien Gille, Frédéric Guyard, Marc Antonini, member IEEE, and Michel Barlaud, Fellow IEEE
ICASSP 2023 Rhodos Greece
arXiv:2208.O4448 september 2023
New Semi-supervised Classification Method Using a Supervised Autoencoder for Biomedical.
Cyprien Gille, Frederic Guyard and Michel Barlaud, Fellow IEEE
ICASSP 2023 Rhodos Greece
arXiv:2208.10315 september 2023
Computational Intelligence Using a Supervised Autoencoder Neural Network With Multi-categorical Medical Data for Thyroid Nodule Diagnosis.
Cyprien Gille, Grégoire D'Andrea, Thierry Pourcher and Michel Barlaud
18th Conference on Computational Intelligence
Methods for Bioinformatics Biostatistics (CIBB 2023) Padoue Italy
Efficient Projection Algorithms onto the Weighted `1 Ball.
Guillaume Perez, Sebastian Ament, Carla Gomes, Michel Barlaud
Journal of Artificial Intelligence March 2022
Efficient Clustering Using Alternating Minimization and a Projection-gradient Method for Dimension Reduction.
Cyprien Gilet, Marie Deprez, Pacal Barbry ,Jean-Baptiste Caillau and Michel Barlaud
International Conference on Image Processing 2022 Bordeaux
Efficient Diagnosis With Confidence Score Using a New Supervised Autoencoder With Structural Constraints for Clinical Metabolomic Studies.
David Chardin, Cyprien Gille, Thierry Pourcher, Olivier Humbert and Michel Barlaud
BMC Bioinformatics July 2022
Mitotic Index Determination on Live Cells From Label-free Acquired Quantitative Phase Images Using a Supervised Autoencoder.
Philippe Pognonec, Axel Gustovic, Zied Djabari, Thierry Pourcher and Michel Barlaud Fellow,IEEE
IEEE Trans on computational biology and bioinformatics september 2021
Classification and Feature Selection Using a Primal-dual Method and Projection on Structured Constraints.
Michel Barlaud, Antonin Chambolle and Jean-Baptiste Caillau
ICPR 2020-21 Milan
Learning a Sparse Generative Non-parametric Supervised Autoencoder.
Michel Barlaud and Frédéric Guyard
ICASSP 2021 Toronto Canada
PD-CR: a New Classification Method Primal-Dual for Classification With Rejection (PD-CR): a Novel Method for Classification and Feature Selection. Example of an application in omics studies.
David Chardin, Olivier Humbert, Caroline Bailleux, Fanny Burel-Vandenbos, Thierry Pourcher and Michel Barlaud
Springer Nature BMC Bioinformatics December 2021
Robust Classification With Feature Selection Using an Application of the Douglas-Rachford Splitting Algorithm.
Michel Barlaud and Marc Antonini
ESAIM: PROCEEDINGS AND SURVEYS, June 2021, Vol. 71, p. 11-20
Learning Sparse Deep Neural Networks Using Efficient Structured Projections on Convex Constraints for Green Ai.
Michel Barlaud, Frederic Guyard
ICPR Milan Italy 2020-21
Robust Supervised Classification and Feature Selection Using a Primal-Dual Method.
Michel Barlaud , Antonin Chambolle and Jean-Baptiste Caillau
ICPR Milan Italy 2020-21
arXiv: 1902.1600 [cs.LG] 26 Feb 2019
A Filtered Bucket-clustering Method for Projection Onto the Simplex and the 1 Ball.
Guillaume Perez, Michel Barlaud, Lionel Fillatre and Jean-Charles Régin
Mathematical Programming 15 Mai 2019
Clustering With Feature Selection Using Alternating Minimization: Application to Computational Biology.
Cyprien Gilet, Marie Deprez, Jean-Baptiste Caillau and Michel Barlaud,
arXiv:submit/2063940 [cs.AI] 8 Nov 2017
Classification and Regression Using an Outer Approximation Projection-Gradient Method.
Michel Barlaud, Wafa Belhajali, Patrick L. Combettes, Lionel Fillatre
IEEE Trans on Signal Processing 2017