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Current PhD Students
- Nassim Bounouas (from 2021 on / co-supervised with Prof. Mireille Blay-Fornarino): Software user-tailoring driven by usages
- Yann Brault (from 2023 / full supervision): Smart Identification and Visualization of Variability in Very Large Software Architectures
PhD Alumni
- Johann Mortara (PhD in dec. 2022): Mastering Variability in the Wild: On Object-Oriented Variability Implementations and Variability-aware Build Systems
- Sami Lazreg (PhD in dec. 2020, co-supervised with Ass. Prof. Sébastien Mosser): Variability-Intensive Applications over Highly-Configurable Platforms: Early Feasibility and Optimality Analysis
- Xhevahire Ternava (PhD in dec. 2017): Handling Variability at the Code Level: Modeling, Tracing and Checking Consistency
- Cyril Cecchinel (PhD in nov. 2017, co-supervised with Ass. Prof. Sébastien Mosser): DEPOSIT : Une approche pour exprimer et déployer des politiques de collecte de données sur des infrastructures de capteurs hétérogènes et partagées
- Filip Krikava (PhD in nov. 2013, co-supervised with Johan Montagnat ): Domain-Specific Modeling Language for Self-adaptive Software Systems Architecture
- Mathieu Acher (PhD in sept. 2011, co-supervised with Pr. Philippe Lahire): Managing Multiple Feature Models: Foundations, Language and Applications.
- Bao LeDuc (PhD in dec. 2010, UPMC/LIP6, Paris and France Télécom R&D, co-supervised with Pr. Jacques Malenfant): A QoI-aware Framework for Adaptive Monitoring.
- Hervé Chang (PhD in dec. 2007): contract negotiation on extrafunctional properties for hierarchical software components.
- Alain Ozanne (PhD in nov. 2007, UPMC/LIP6, Paris and France Télécom R&D, co-supervised with Pr. Jacques Malenfant): a general contract model, supporting different specification formalisms and software artefacts.
- Yann Brault (Research Master, 2022): Symfinder-JS - detecting variability related symmetries in JavaScript and Typescript
- Cyril Cecchinel (Research Master, 2014): A Generative Approach to Support the User-Driven Exploitation of Sensing Infrastructures.
- Anthony Palmieri (Research Master, 2014): Handling Regulatory Goal Model Families as Software Product Lines.
- Mathieu Acher (Research Master, 2008): A metamodel for a product line of contracted services on the grid.
- Benoît Vallette d'Osia (Research Master, 2005): Exception Handling for autonomous hierarchical components.
- Bastien Manuel (Research Master, 2005): Model-based specification for hierarchical components.
- Hervé Chang (Research Master, 2004): Negotiation mechanisms for contracted software components.
- Annabelle Mercier (Research Master, 2002): Study of a general contracting model for software components.
- Greta Vignola (Research Master, 2000): Evolution control of persistent Java objects using assertions.