Full Professor of Computer Science

I'm Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis / UniversitĂ© CĂ´te d'Azur (UCA). From september 2017, I belong to the Computer Science department of the Polytech Nice Sophia Antipolis Engineering School. I'm managing the major in Software Architecture at the Polytech Engineering School and Master in CS (common major at the graduate level).       
From 2014 to 2021 I was responsible for apprenticeship at the CS Master 2 level (software engineering Major). From december 2017 to december 2018, I was deputy director of the engineering shool in charge of the corporate relations.       
I'm also teaching different courses mainly related to Software Engineering.       
As a researcher, I'm a member of the I3S laboratory (UMR CNRS-UNS 7271), involved in the large Sparks team. From 2021 on, I'm leading the MUSCAT thematic focus group inside this team. The group is focusing on facilitating practices and processes of all stakeholders (final users, product owners, developers, software architects) involved in the production of large scale software systems (e.g. variability-rich systems, emergent systems based on AI).


  • Oct 2023: Our article “Visualization of Object-Oriented Software in a City Metaphor: Comprehending the Implemented Variability and its Technical Debt” was accepted in the Elsevier Journal of Systems & Software! Check the preprint here.
  • Oct 2023: Yann Brault is starting a PhD in the team (topic is “Smart Identification and Visualization of Variability in Very Large Software Architectures”). Welcome aboard Yann!
  • July 2023: I will give a keynote at the Doctoral Symposium of the SPLC’2023 conference in Tokyo (more information here).
  • July 2023: Two papers accepted at the SPLC’2023 conference! The paper “An Action-based Model to Handle Cloning and Adaptation in Tabular Data Applications” is accepted as a full paper in the industry track (preprint available). The paper “Taming the Diversity of Computational Notebooks” is accepted as a short paper in the research track (preprint available). We are excited to present both papers at the SPLC’2023 conference in Tokyo.
  • Dec 2022: Johann Mortara defended his PhD defense!
  • Sep 2022: Received a Distinguished Reviewer Award at SPLC'2022!
  • May 2022: two papers and one workshop papers accepted at SPLC'2022!
  • Jan 2022: Our article “Identification and visualization of variability implementations in object-oriented variability-rich systems: a symmetry-based approach” was acceted in the Journal of Automated Software Engineering! Great news for a great collaboration with Xhevahire Ternava and Daniel Le Berre. Check the preprint here.
  • Sep 2021: Paper "Visualization of Object-Oriented Variability Implementations as Cities" accepted as full paper at VISSOFT'21 also received the ICSME Best Artifact Award !
  • Sep 2021: Article "A framework for managing the imperfect modularity of variability implementations" was nominated for the 2020 Journal of Computer Languages Best Paper Award
  • Apr 2021: Paper "Capturing the diversity of analyses on the Linux kernel variability" accepted as full paper at SPLC'21!
  • Feb 2021: The MUSCAT thematic focus group is started within the SPARKS research team!
  • Paper "Mapping Features to Automatically Identified Object-Oriented Variability Implementations - The case of ArgoUML-SPL" accepted as full paper at the VAMOS'2020 working conference!
  • Philippe Lahire and I got a "best impact" Excellence Award from the UniversitĂ© CĂ´te d'Azur in Dec 2019 for our work on Feature Modeling.
  • Our paper "Composing Feature Models" with Mathieu Acher, Philippe Lahire, and late Robert B. France, published at SLE'2009 is going to receive the Most Influential Paper Award at the SLE'2019 conference!
  • Paper "Identifying and Visualizing Variability in Object-Oriented Variability-Rich Systems" accepted as full paper at the main research track of SPLC'19 conference (ranked QUALIS A2). It also got an ACM Artifacts Evaluated – Reusable badge and the symfinder tool, used in this paper, will be presented in the demonstration and tool track!
  • Paper "Multifaceted Automated Analyses for Variability-Intensive Embedded Systems" accepted as full paper at the main research track of ICSE'19 conference (ranked CORE A*, QUALIS A1 !) 

Research Interests

  • Software Product Lines and variability engineering (large scale management of variability-aware software, composition of feature models, relationships to software architectures, reverse engineering of variability models, domain-driven multiple software product lines)
  • Model-Driven Engineering (separation of concerns, composition, lightweight DSL engineering, variability in requirement engineering and goal modeling)
  • Application of variability engineering to other disciplines (information systems, web infrastructures, graphical user interfaces and dashboards, cyber-physical systems and sensing infrastructures, software security, sustainability)
  • Self-adaptive systems (software architecture of the feedback control loops, large-scale management)

Recent Committees

  • From November 2016, member of the editorial board of the SoSyM journal, Springer (International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling)
  • 2024: VAMOS'2024 (PC), MODEVAR'2024 Workshop (PC), SPLC'2024 (Industry Liaison chair, PC), SPLC'2024 Doctoral Symposium (PC)
  • 2023: VAMOS'2023 (PC), SPLC'2023 (PC), SPLC'2023 Doctoral Symposium (PC)
  • 2022: VAMOS'2022 (PC), SPLC'2021 (PC), SPLC'2022 Doctoral Symposium (PC), MODEVAR Workshop (co-organizer), Fifth International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution 2022) (co-organizer)
  • 2021: FASE'2021 (PC), VAMOS'2021 (PC), SPLC'2021 (PC), SPLC'2021 Doctoral Symposium (PC)
  • 2020: SPLC'2020 (PC co-chair), MODEVAR@SPLC'2020 (organizer), VAMOS'2020 (PC), CIEL'2020 (PC)
  • 2019: VAMOS'2019 workshop (PC), SPLC'2019 (PC), SPLC'2019 tutorials (co-chair), SPLC'2019 tools and demo (PC), MODEVAR'2019 workshop (PC), SPLTea'2019 workshop
  • 2018: SPLC'2018 (PC), SPLC'2018 (Data, demonstration and tool co-chair), TTC'18 contest (PC)
  • 2017: SPLC'2017 (PC), MODELS'2017 (demonstration and tool co-chair), VAMOS'2017 workshop (PC), SEAA'17/SPLSeco Track (PC), TTC'17 contest (PC), CIEL'2017 (steering chair)
  • 2016: SPLC'2016 (PC), MODELS'2016 (PC), VAMOS'2016 workshop (PC), SEAA'16/SPLSeco Track (PC), SERA'2016 (PC), TTC'16 contest (PC), CIEL'2016 (PC, steering chair)
  • 2015: Modularity'2015 (Demo and Poster chair), SPLC'2015 (PC), SEAA'2015-SPLSeco (PC), CIEL'2015 (steering committee), VAMOS'2015 workshop (PC), FMSPLE worskhop (PC), SPLTea workshop at SPLC (PC), SPLat workshop at SPLC (PC), Sustainability workshop at Modularity (PC), CIEL'2015 (PC, steering chair)
  • 2014: general chair of the VAMOS'2014 workshop in Nice, ECMFA'2014 (PC), SPLC'2014 (PC), SEAA'2014-SPLSeco (PC), SERA'2014 (PC), CIEL'2014 (steering committee), SPLTea workshop at SPLC (PC), SPLat workshop at SPLC (PC), CIEL'2014 (PC, steering)
  • 2013: ECMFA/ECOOP/ECSA'2013 joint Doctoral Symposium (co-chair), VAMOS'2013 (PC co-chair), CIEL'2013 (steering committee), SERA'2013 (PC), AMINO workshop at MODELS (PC), CMA workshop at MODELS (PC), JLDP'2013 (PC), CIEL'2013 (PC, steering)


  • Currently: Coordinator the major in Software Architecture at the Polytech Engineering School and Master in CS (common major at the graduate level).
  • Coordinator of the apprenticeship at the CS Master 2 level (software engineering Major), September 2014 -> August 2021
  • Coordinator of the apprenticeship in computer science of Polytech Nice Sophia : 3-year engineering degree (eq. Master), and Master of CS (final year), january 2019 -> january 2020
  • Coordinator of the apprenticeship part of Master IFI / Informatique (1st and 2nd master years in Computer Science, more than 50 students per year), from september 2014 to december 2019
  • Deputy Director in charge of corporate relations of Polytech Nice Sophia, december 2017 -> december 2018

Teaching Expertise

  • Software Engineering (basic concepts, object-orientation in SE, unit testing, mocks, test-driven development, design patterns, dynamic class loading, with the Java language)
  • Software Architecture (Design patterns, Layered Architectures, Spring, JavaEE, micro-services)
  • Software Product Lines and Variability Management
  • Software Project Management (requirements, planning, agile principles and practices, software configuration & construction, V&V, testing, test-driven development, profiling, support tools for versioning, bug tracking)

Positions and Education

  • Sept 2017: Full Professor, UniversitĂ© Nice Sophia Antipolis / UniversitĂ© CĂ´te d'Azur (teaching at the Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school)
  • Sept 2013: appointed as Full Professor at UniversitĂ© Nice Sophia Antipolis (teaching at the Faculty of Sciences)
  • Dec 2011: obtained HDR ("Habilitation Ă  Diriger des Recherches") from UniversitĂ© Nice Sophia Antipolis
  • Sept. 2010 - Aug. 2011: Full-time researcher (delegation) at CNRS (I3S lab)
  • Sept 1999: apppointed as Assistant Professor at UniversitĂ© Nice Sophia Antipolis
  • 1999: Postdoc - University of Glasgow (Scotland, UK)
  • 1998: Research and Teaching Assistant at UniversitĂ© Nice Sophia Antipolis
  • 1997-1998: Qualification Engineer at French Navy Technical Center in Toulon
  • Dec. 1997: obtained PhD in Computer Science from UniversitĂ© Nice Sophia Antipolis

Contact Details

e-mail : Philippe[DOT]Collet[AT]unice[DOT]fr       
linkedIn: https://fr.linkedin.com/in/PhilippeColletUNS

I3S Research Lab & Teaching dept at Polytech Nice Sophia
Phone: +33 (0)4 89 15 41 59
Room: 445 (Templiers 1 building)
Laboratoire I3S - UNS - UCA / CNRS UMR 7271
Campus SophiaTech / Les Templiers
930 Route des Colles, BP 145
F-06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France